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just fitted a ssd drive for FSX only

Ken Hall

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Guest J van E

I have all my addons that don't need to be installed in the FSX folder installed on another drive (a regular hard disk). For instance FEX or REX (I don't use the weather engine) is only used to drop textures in the FSX folder, so the program itself doesn't need to be on the SSD. I keep my SSD for Windows 7 and FSX only as far as possible. Scenery and stuff like that (all things that FSX looks for during flying) should really be installed on the SSD (when you've got a choice)!

About the second SSD for the OS: it depends on how large your current SSD is: as I said I have both W7 and FSX on one SSD: works like a charm: no need to get seperate SSD's for it. You will certainly benefit from putting the OS on an SSD, but it's not that it makes FSX runs faster. The OS itself though is very fast and direct: a noticable difference to the OS on my old hard disk.

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I initially had only scenery on my solid state, and it worked fine, then I got a bigger drive last week, (thanks to my stepson for that) and put the whole FSX folder on it.. to be honest. either way works well, with gains in framerate and loading times, but I saw no real gains when I put the whole folder on. Teecee.

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J van E,

Do you have separate partitions for the OS and FSX?

I'm looking at SSD's and can go with the following options:

1. 1 X 160GB Intel SSD

2. 2 X 80GB Intel SSD, one for OS and apps and another for FSX.

3. 1 X 150GB WD 10KRPM drive for OS and apps and 1 X 80GB Intel SSD for FSX.

Any recommendations?


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I'm guessing you might get a little less "latency" with Windows related tasks - due to the low "seek" time.

My (aged) SSDs run in a RAID0 array ... which produces similar speeds to standalone current gen drives like yours ... the O/S repsonse is quicker ,and no spin up time if sleeping also.

Other than that ... I;d guess not much change, but I do like it when running apps (Photoshop etc).

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