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Orbx TE Oregon aircraft floating above runway KBDN airport

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in P3D v4 and earlier, there is no KBDN and it does not look like there is one in TE Oregon.

However, there is an S07 (S zero seven) in the same place, in both P3D v4- and TE Oregon, as you can see

if you revisit the airport selection menu.




You can also see that the elevation data does not match and this is the cause of your problem.

Please go to FTX_NA\FTX_NA_!OR_05_SCENERY\scenery and make a search for S07.

Three files will be found, either disable them by adding .off to the .bgl extension or move them out of the folder.

There are unfortunately many airports that have had a change of ICAO code, now implemented in P3D v5.

The team is working through them but it is a long and tedious job, so this is your interim solution.


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