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EGGD black buildings, ground poly missing, elevation issues

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Hello everyone!

Today I bought EGGD for P3Dv5, but unfortunately I cannot get it displayed correctly.

All the buildings are black, the ground poly seems to be missing and there are mesh issues around the airport, too:





I already tried to verify the files and reinstalled Bristol. After that did not help, I reinstalled the Orbx Libs and the True Earth GB Libraries - no success.


Any ideas on what I could do to solve these problems?
Thanks in advance!

Sim is P3Dv5 HF2...

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Thanks for pointing me to their support website!

Ticket is opened!

Well, verifying files doesn't help (did that 3 times now), reinstalling in the sim folder, in library, no changes...


Problem solved.

A misinstalled UK2K EGGD was the reason for the display problems!

Thanks anyway!

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