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missing windsock @ Agua Dulce L70

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Agua Dulce is one of my favorite GA airstrips in SoCal. I used to dine at the Cafe on weekends when it was open to the public. I use it as a start point for a lot of my P3D flights.


For some reason it is missing the windsock as shown in the attached screenshot. Since L70 sits adjacent to a parallel hill in-between the high desert and the LA basin the wind direction is an important feature. I remember over flying it once in real life and seeing the full sock 90 degrees to the runway. Discretion was the better part of valor in my little Citabria so I didn't land that day.


Any help in reinstating the windsock would be greatly appreciated. FWIW in my homemade KSZP airport, the windsocks are functional.


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