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Edinburgh Issue and Central Missing Files


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Edinburgh Airport - shows a message that a problem exists within X-Plane

All other airports I purchased from ypu seem to work OK .. X-Plane reports :-




The X-Plane log file shows a bunch of missing files.

I have verified succesfully the North Scenary and the Airport

I have disk space as:-






Log.txt 71.62 kB · 1 download







Can someone help me out here please ....


How can these files be missing - if the central install system handles the downloads and verifies all is good ??? !!!!


The MH car reports problems when in use at Edinburugh ... So select end of runway 24 and problemo ...











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As requested , enclosed scenary text file

How come the Installation system does not create a warning if you don't have enough disk space ?

Most other installation products seem to do this as a default action ...

If the disk space on the 183GB drive was an issue - other systems would have complained etc etc ...

So I'd like an explanation of how the installation works in terms of space and temorary files ...

183GB free represent almost 20% of free space ... !!!!


From your perspective, how much free space on 183GB / 1 TB drive is required to install central product when its installed to a library on an External drive with 900GB free please ?








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You have 2 entries of EGPH in your scenery packs. Please remove from your Custom Scenery folder, the folder you have called:

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh 23.46.35/ as this is not a correct folder name and is a possible duplicate entry for EGPH.

You have several 3rd party payware addon airports placed below Global Airports. They should e above Global Airports in the layering sequence.

I have revised your scenery_packs.ini for you and attach it below.

Regarding disk space. There is a facility in Orbx Central which is supposed to Check Disk Space Before Loading. I am not sure how accurate it is and would ask that you post that question in a topic on the Orbx Central support forum for a definitive answer.

I only mentioned the log report stating the following:

WARNING: we are missing the texture: Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/textures/a0b0xfbb0x17.dds.

This is typical of a message when the addon has not completed installation fully. It may  not be the case with you but certainly is a message associated with that.

Disk need 10-20% of free space to function at optimum. There is no defined free space required generally for all addons as the size of the addon is the important aspetc.

There are 4 phases to a True Earth installation.

1. The  download and the size of the download and the location of your Temp folder. In Windows this is bt=y default on the C drive and may need moving by the user. See the How to Install True Earth Addons link below.

2. The extraction process which will double the size at least of the download and is processed on the same drive as the download is on in the Temp folder.

3. With HD True Earth addons, which the TEGB series is, there is a conversion process from jpg imagery to dds imagery. dds imagery is twice the size of  jpg imagery.

4 Finally there is the actual installation onto the drive you chose either to install into XP direct or to a self made Library.

At Orbx Dirct in the product narrative for TE addons, there is a notation of the disk space required for each addon.





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