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Unable to Install Orbx Products.

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I've recently updated my P3Dv5 to HF2. However it seems to have caused problems to my Orbx products. The Global Base pack, Trees HD and Buildings HD no longer show up in sim. 

They are displayed as active addons on P3D and I can also see them on my Scenery Library. 


To make matters stranger when I open Orbx Central to try an uninstall and reinstall. I'm greeted with the Blue Install Button suggesting that they haven't been installed in the first place. 


Attempting to install them (now on my 4th try) always seems to hang at "Finalizing and Cleaning Up - Configuring" 

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Update : I've managed to reinstall this time. All products reinstalled. However they are still not visible in P3D. I've synced simulator and verified files.


Wondering if it would be advisable to delete scenery.cfg and try again. 


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Hello, they were installed into an Orbx central library. I've noticed that the Orbx Base Pack (along with buildings HD and trees HD) comes out when descending to lower altitudes, around 11000 or lower. Makes me think this maybe some sort of layering problem with my scenery. 

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update : First off. Apologies. when I said the Orbx Base Pack displays at lower altitudes I was mistaken. I happened to be flying in a new area where the default scenery was fairly convincing.


Going back to an area that I am more familiar with. I opted to try an approach at LSZH Runway 14.  I've attached screenshots below. One clearly shows Orbx Base Active and well. The other is without Orbx Base. 


I've also attached screenshots to verify that my addons are enabled as well as the order of my sceneries.



LSZH RWY14. HF1. ORBX Base.jpg



ORBX Central Screenshot.png

Scenery Library.png

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