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TE Netherlands Low Frames

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I never tried before to install TE Netherlands because of my rig specs, but now, I am using a intel I9-9900, 2 SSD disks, a GTX 1080ti and 16 Gb RAM, for Prepar3D v5 HF2 + Active Sky.

I did not apply any tweak or config to the scenery, but, sometimes, flying over some areas, frames descent to 7 (not very flyable), when usually I am running 40 or 45 inside the cockpit of my AS bus (should be 70 or 80, but I have enabled Enhanced Atmospherics, but when I disabled EA, results were the same). Stock airports in the Netherlands, by the way.

This is the only addon from Orbx (and I have purchased a number of them) I am experiencing issues.

I can lower my config, but I thought that, with my new components, there would be no problem. Any advice?

Thanks in advance ;-)


P.S. I'm sorry if this was already answered. I search the forum, but no results. Most probably I have lost something, as I am not native english speaker.


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I believe P3DV5 is still a primarily Core 0 based computing, so it doesn't matter how good the CPU and GPU, if there are too many objects to draw by the single core of the CPU, the sim will slow down.  Luckily the areas of the world where such scenery density occurs aren't many but the Netherlands is one.


Aerofly AFS2 is a simulator that uses modern coding transferring most of the load to the GPU, and the results are stunning:



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Thanks John, really good point.

I know that some developers are doing efforts in that way, e.g. Leonardo with their Maddog, and it should be not an easy one, as it is the core... Having no choice, I will have to set my slides to the left, but... if I am forced to do that (most probably), taking into account my specs, what I am supposed to install into my PC to run flawlessly this scenario on P3Dv5? Just curiosity, very interested to know.

I would not ask if my specs where average ones but (I know they can be better), it seems difficult to me to accept that. Should I?



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For the occasional Netherlands TE flight in P3D for me, I tend to reduce the Image quality down a bit, the LOD to medium or low, Autogen scenery draw distance to medium, and the buildings and vegetation down one notch, no shadows other than clouds and internal vehicle, low water detail, no reflections, and then set a dull gloomy sort of Netherlands weather with visibility to 10 or 20 miles, and not hang around the Amsterdam area if possible, a lot of the rest of the Netherlansds runs reasonably well.


Using those settings, with frames locked at 22, I just had a very acceptable flight in the Kodiak from Rotterdam to EHLE across Schiphol and Amsterdam.  Frame rates were 21-22 up to Schiphol, then down to 15-22 over Amsterdam, and back up to 18-22 heading to Lelystad.

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