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take a look at these attached photos please of TE North and South...problem?

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I have all three true earth scenerys, Scotland is fine and loads as normal when I'm flying into that part of the world but central and south this happens all the time...especially South, what can I do to fix it please, these photos were taken on a flight from Glasgow to Milan earler today, its most annoying and spoils the pleasure in this wonderful hobby of ours. 





York UK

a319 - 2020-06-21 16.34.18.png

a319 - 2020-06-21 16.34.53.png

a319 - 2020-06-21 16.34.27.png

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This tends to be an issue caused by the PC CPU/GPU straining to complete the image / mesh loading in time. I understand that reducing the visual LOD distance can help alleviate the problem.

it is definitely not an addon problem.

What are your PC specs and XP settings?

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Thank you for your reply.....yes running 11.50 on Vulken mostly but it still does it when I switch to open GL. Specs are i5 - 2500k 3.30GHZ, installed ram 16GB with Nvidia GTX 1060 6B. It runs very well mostly, maybe I should turn my settings down and maybe the problem might go away then? 

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10 hours ago, Paul Tull said:

Thank you for your reply.....yes running 11.50 on Vulken mostly but it still does it when I switch to open GL. Specs are i5 - 2500k 3.30GHZ, installed ram 16GB with Nvidia GTX 1060 6B. It runs very well mostly, maybe I should turn my settings down and maybe the problem might go away then? 

You can but try. The issue is with your hardware so anything to reduce the amount of strain will ease the situation.

The aim of Laminar with Vulkan is to make it available for use by all regardless of PC specs as long as they meet the minimum required specs. You will find that those who have the higher end specs have less issues especially in regard to vram which is the backbone of making Vulkan work well. To compensate for hardware specs you need to lower settings. One thing you can do is try 3jfps lua script( do a Google search) and also reduce the LOD visual range in the Weather options to around 40 miles. That way scenery in the distance will only start to be loaded the nearer you get to it thus saving vram and strain on your CPU/GPU combo.

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