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Missing files


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 Customer Scenery/orbx_B_US_NoCal_TE_Overlay/


Customer Scenery/orbx_B_US_NoCal_TE_Ortho/


it requires an additional library scenery that is not installed , or its missing some files 


despite X Organizer app arranging ini file , above files not working properly 

Not able to resolve after looking into log

appreciate input to solve this issue 



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17 minutes ago, Skipper1 said:

 Customer Scenery/orbx_B_US_NoCal_TE_Overlay/


Customer Scenery/orbx_B_US_NoCal_TE_Ortho/


it requires an additional library scenery that is not installed , or its missing some files 


despite X Organizer app arranging ini file , above files not working properly 

Not able to resolve after looking into log

appreciate input to solve this issue 



Welcome. I need both your XP Log file and also your scenery_packs.ini please.

Also you need to tell me the version of XP you are using.

There is no Orbx support for the beta versions of XP like 11.50 but as I use that version I can offer unofficial advice.

Note that XP 11.50 makes error reports for any slight perceived anomaly but usually  the error has no impact on the scenery functioning. The increased error reporting is for the benefit of Laminar to see what bits of the beta may need looking into or to assist 3rd party devs in informing them of potential mods being needed, This is in particular addressed to "objects" of which there are many in Libraries.

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11 hours ago, Skipper1 said:

 Customer Scenery/orbx_B_US_NoCal_TE_Overlay/


Customer Scenery/orbx_B_US_NoCal_TE_Ortho/


it requires an additional library scenery that is not installed , or its missing some files 


despite X Organizer app arranging ini file , above files not working properly 

Not able to resolve after looking into log

appreciate input to solve this issue 



X-Organiser does not play nicely with Orbx addons. If X-Organiser has arranged the scenery_packs.ini that you have attached then it is incorrectly layering the Orbx scenery.

The XP Log file you attached is not showing any errors so I am wondering if it is one that was created when you were getting the errors about missing some files.

The XP log is created each time you run XP so I need a copy of the Log straight after you have loaded a flight that results in the on screen error message about missing files.

The current log tells me nothing as there is no reference at all to any missing files. Please run XP so that you get the error message appear and then attach that copy of the Log file.


I have rearranged your scenery_packs so that the Orbx addon is in the correct location. Drop it into your Custom Scenery folder. Keep a copy spare as well in case X-Organiser does its thing and rearranges again.




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4 hours ago, Skipper1 said:

Hello , 

Thank you for your feedback, implemented instructions unfortunately  did not work as needed, please find attached fresh log.text .(i can delete or uninstall XOprganizer if required)


Log.txt 7.92 MB · 0 downloads

Disable x-organiser because it has layered the scenery just like it did before and b=not as I had redone for you.

Uninstall TE Norcal because the Log is saying it cannot find hundreds of files.

Use Orbx Central to uninstall.Reboot PC.

Clear temp folder and any back up copy. see the pic for how and where to do and find the necessary option for Clear Temp folder and the location of your backup copy if applicable in your case.

Reboot PC

 Read the attached link and make sure you have ALL the requirements in place especially in regard to free disk space on the disk you are going to download onto and the disk you are going to install onto. 

Make a new Temp folder and location for that folder om a higher capacity disk if required and make sure you Edit the temp folders new location in Orbx Central/settings/downloader

 Open Orbx Central and install TE NorCal once you have met and made any required changes needed outlined in may last paragraph and also noted in the link.

Please don't use x-organiser initially after a hopeful new installation of TE NorCal. Insert the scenery_packs.ini file I sent you .




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