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True Earth Washington Resolution Issue

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Howdy all,


Does anyone know what would be causing this issue in P3Dv5 with True Earth Washington?  The scenery looks terrible.  


I have tried to uninstall and reinstall, sync the simulator and verify the files; all with no luck.


All of my sliders are maxed full to the right because I have a very high end system.


PC specs as follows:  i9-9900 @3.60 32GB ram RTX 2080 Ti SSD's for everything

True Earth Washington.JPG

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Did you try pausing the sim and give it some? After that does the scenery become sharper? 


Also what is the speed of you plane? Looks like the speed is too high for the GPU/Cpu to catch up with the terrain below. 


I might be wrong and the problem could be something else also. But just a thought worth considering



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6 hours ago, AirCanada235 said:

All of my sliders are maxed full to the right because I have a very high end system.


PC specs as follows:  i9-9900 @3.60 32GB ram RTX 2080 Ti SSD's for everything

Hi, you appear to be fairly new here.
I don''t know what your level of knowledge is of flight simming, but I can tell you immediately that only a handful of systems can run P3D with all settings maxed-out.
Your PC, like mine and many other simmer's PCs, is not capable of that. So drag all the sliders back to medium and slowly work your way up setting-by-setting from there.

Check that you have unticked 'Dynamic 3D Autogen Vegetation' in the 'Scenery Objects' section of the 'World' settings in P3D.
It's a huge performance killer!

Additionally, you say you have an i9-9900 @ 3.6 GHz. If you haven't already, have you considered overclocking it to nearer 5.0?
The Intel CPUs shine when you get the most speed that you can from them.

If you are still having problems after undertaking those three points, take a look at my posts (thread linked below) to someone having similar issues with TrueEarth


TrueEarth is a great scenery product, but with all the detail, it's very demanding on your PC. As such it isn't really designed for airliner flights, but rather slower GA VFR type flights instead.
As always with flight simming, it's about finding the acceptable balance between how your sim looks and how it performs on your hardware.

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