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Re: Where has the Golden Gate Bridge gone to

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Order ID: 5ee79971e42fd


Hi Guys,


Having purchased and flown around TrueEarth Northern California, I am wondering why I am not able to see the Golden Gate Bridge, only vehicles crossing where the bridge should be (please see attached screen prints). I am running P3Dv4.5.14.34698. I have 32gb of DDR3 memory and a Gigabyte Auros GeForce GTX 1080 Ti which has 11gb vram.

I have also tried setting Scenery complexity: to Very Dense but that did not resolve the issue.


Has anybody got any idea what the problem could be?


Kindest regards





Golden Gate Bridge.jpg


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Hi Nick,


Yes , problem solved. This is what happens when you get someone like me running multiple scenery.cfg files. While I was installing TrueEarth Northern California I did notice that the installer had created a library also, I just forgot all about that when making a new scenery.cfg file. Fortunately I do keep a scenery.cfg with everything in it, so all I had to do was copy the TrueEarth Northern California library Area to my new scenery.cfg file and then renumber it. This renumbering of the scenery.cfg file Areas is a bit of a faff. I don't suppose you know if there is a piece of software that will renumber the Areas automatically without having to do it manually each time a new Area is added?


After I had corrected the scenery.cfg as you suggested, I flew from KSFO towards the Golden Gate Bridge and noticed part of a freeway/motorway that was partly submerged by water (please see attached screen shot). Could this be a fault with the actual scenery?


Kindest regards



Sanfransisco Freeway.jpg

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