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Messed up the install

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Never used Orbx software before and I've made a complete mess of the install.

I didn't check the amount of disc space I had and now I seem locked out of all options.  My C:\ is where Xplane is installed and I have about 200Gb free but I dont want to fill that with scenery with other discs available.

My main library is stuck on my D: drive there isn't enough space to install there so I am trying to move it to a drive that has plenty of space.
I am in the Orbx Central is that the same as FTX Central?

The "Create a New Library" green button is greyed out and not accesible.

The blue "Scan for libraries" says "NO LIBRARIES FOUND"

The Main Library panel shows Location D:\Scenery\Orbx|Library size 0B

The blue "EDIT" and red "DELETE" buttons are greyed out.


Any helpful ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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My best solution on offer is to start again. This is to avoid the prospect of trying to patch and Band Aid the initial errors which may cause future issues. Use Orbx central to uninstall if possible, and then reboot PC. If unable to officially uninstall the physically delete ALL files from the Temp folder and also the installation files. Reboot PC.

Sorry if that is not what you wanted to hear, but honestly we could create a total mess if we try to start "moving" files etc.

Make sure you read the User Guide . If there is anything you don't understand then reply back BEFORE you start downloading/installing etc.

Basically you need to make a new Temp folder on a drive with plenty of free space. When you have done that you need to open Orbx Central/settings/downloader and edit the location of your new Temp folder. That is where your Download will go.

You then need to create a Library and give it a name, again on a drive with plenty of free space on it. Then in Obx Central/settings/Libraries you need to point to that new library by clicking on Create new Library. Point to the new library location, give it the same name as you have named it on the drive. That will be where the installation goes.Then you can start the download/installation process.

 I attach a couple of pics and the Orbx Central user guide for your assistance








Central User Guide.pdf

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Thanks Jon,

I left it doing something overnight and this morning things are different. 


The buttons not available to me are now working and I am downloading from fresh.  I've successfully created the librarys in an empty 1TB drive.


I've got the same settings now as you show in the pics.


Appreciate the help, thanks.

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