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Is True Earth ready for X-Plane 11.5 GA?

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When X-Plane 11.5 with Vulkan goes GA will the True Earth GB packages work OK or will an update from Orbx be required. I won't be using any of the the beta 11.5 releases and am happy to wait if there is an update for Orbx, I just don't want to install 11.5 and find that True Earth is not fully compatible. 


Thanks, Paul

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Thanks John. I recently had to reinstall X-Plane and Orbx so I'm a bit wary of introducing any unwanted side effects from things. The betas look good but I'll be patient for once and wait for the live release.


Thanks again, Paul 

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True Earth GB doesn't work just fine with Vulcan - it's nothing short of spectacular. I have those packages for both XP and P3D - XP looks much more real in comparison. I spent the last two days just with flights on the Shetlands and I am absolutely in love...

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