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Orbx Vector v5 missing smal roads and smal rivers

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Just flying around colorado river spring at La Poudre Pass Lake and miss the river texture and the smal road ending at the lake.

With vector enabled the colorado river is hard to find.

Would be nice to get those textures back.




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Same concern here.


Since I purchased OpenLC for Africa I started flying in Southern Africa again but after I installed vector for V5 all the streams are missing. As there are not many large rivers in this area this leaves many isolated dams etc that would normally be connected by streams.


I like the Orbx road textures and prefer the fewer roads in Orbx vector as it works better with the town LC files.

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welcome to the forums Johan.

Without coordinates, it is not easy to find the areas you each mention.

If you can provide coordinates, I will certainly take a look.

I mention this purely as food for thought, Vector for P3D v5 solves more

problems in P3D v5 than it causes and it is open to you to disable it or not,

depending on where you intend to fly.


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