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GB North Errors

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I have recently bought GB North to complete my GB coverage (ie I have the other 2 working fine), but after installing it I get an error saying that 2 files can't be found (See attached image with errors), and X-Plane then crashes.


It is installed on a separate drive, but the same as Central, which works fine.  I've double and triple checked that the link points to the right places, and have deleted the Temp folder, Verified the files and Resynchronised the Simulator.


Both files it's looking for are certainly there and in the right place, but the 2nd error looks like it's looking for that file in the textures folder under the terrain folder, which it isn't!


I'd be grateful to know what to do please - I've attached my scenery_packs.ini file in case it helps.

Many thanks in advance


Terrain error.jpg


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Just to add that I note that the scenery_packs.ini no longer has the North in it at all - it certainly did after installation! 

I wonder if I simply need to go through the pain of re-installing???



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2 hours ago, TorbenC said:

Just to add that I note that the scenery_packs.ini no longer has the North in it at all - it certainly did after installation! 

I wonder if I simply need to go through the pain of re-installing???



It is indeed very strange to have 2 lots of Orbx TEGB Central showing up! Orbx Central would not have given you the option to install a second copy. It would show as Installed and only offer you the Uninstall option.

Are you manually moving files around?

I need more info please. Where did you install TEGB North? What drive and how much free space have you got on that drive?

Where is your Temp folder and how much free space have you got on that drive?

Open your Custom Scenery folder and check if you do actually have 2 installations of TEGB Central. If so then open the files and see if they are actually TEGB Central in both instances.

I also suggest you delete your current scenery_packs.ini and let XP build a new one.

You can then attach it and I will get it layered correctly for you

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20 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

It is indeed very strange to have 2 lots of Orbx TEGB Central showing up! Orbx Central would not have given you the option to install a second copy. It would show as Installed and only offer you the Uninstall option.

Are you manually moving files around?

I need more info please. Where did you install TEGB North? What drive and how much free space have you got on that drive?

Where is your Temp folder and how much free space have you got on that drive?

Open your Custom Scenery folder and check if you do actually have 2 installations of TEGB Central. If so then open the files and see if they are actually TEGB Central in both instances.

I also suggest you delete your current scenery_packs.ini and let XP build a new one.

You can then attach it and I will get it layered correctly for you


Thank you for getting back to me.

I hadn't noticed the 2 lots of Central there actually in that version of the ini - No I haven't been moving files around at all.


TEGB NORTH is installed on my C drive (with the TEGB Central) and there is 96GB remaining after the install. - Surely that's enough!!??

The Temp folder is on the same drive C:\Users\Torben\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\temp

No, there's only copy of Central installed - both North and Central are installed in C:\Users\Torben\Orbx Library\xp11


Attached are 2 versions of the rebuilt scenery_packs.ini (both just as X-plane created them) -  1.scenery_packs.ini  is without the the links to TEGB North which certainly opens OK in TEGB South, and 2.scenery_packs.ini with the TEGB North links which crashes on starting X-plane with that message.


Many thanks for offering to layer it for me.


I've checked once more that the shortcuts in the Custom scenery definitely point to the right folder.

All very strange.

I'm tempted to try re-installing, but I'll await your suggestions.





1. scenery_packs.ini 2. scenery_packs.ini

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Take a look at the product info written for TEGB North at Orbx Direct and you will see that TEGB Northis 142GB when installed. You say that your Temp folder is also on that drive. The info given states that the download is 22GB, extracting the files makes it approx 45 B and then the conversion of jpg to dds format imagery takes it to 142GB.

Considering all those actions are taking place on the same drive then I would suggest that you do not have the necessary free space. 96GB is not enough, because although you say

"there is 96GB remaining after the install" the install is not finished, hence the error message.




I have only corrected your 1st scenery_packs.ini as TEGB North is not fully installed.



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OK Jon, thanks for that - I'll have to take your word for it!

Many thanks for the corrected scenery_packs.ini


Before I started the install I had at least 230GB available, and reading all the info that seemed to be enough!  Wouldn't the installer report if there wasn't going to be enough room??

And if it really needs more than 230GB to install it I think it would be really helpful to be told that up front don't you?


Anyway, I should get a 1TB SSD tomorrow to replace the 250GB original one X-plane is on and will then load everything onto that.  Hopefully all will then be well - I'm certainly looking forward to flying in Scotland. - X-plane certainly gobbles up the drive space doesn't it!

Thanks for your help


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6 hours ago, TorbenC said:

OK Jon, thanks for that - I'll have to take your word for it!

Many thanks for the corrected scenery_packs.ini


Before I started the install I had at least 230GB available, and reading all the info that seemed to be enough!  Wouldn't the installer report if there wasn't going to be enough room??

And if it really needs more than 230GB to install it I think it would be really helpful to be told that up front don't you?


Anyway, I should get a 1TB SSD tomorrow to replace the 250GB original one X-plane is on and will then load everything onto that.  Hopefully all will then be well - I'm certainly looking forward to flying in Scotland. - X-plane certainly gobbles up the drive space doesn't it!

Thanks for your help


Having that new info I would say that 230GB should have been enough but obviously something was not right. It's very difficult to assess the exact cause of an issue so one has to go by previous experience and interpretations of error messages. The one you had  about not finding 17dds etc is typical of alack of disk space.

Regarding your new 1TB SSD. May I suggest that at least your Orbx scenery files go on that drive as you will have much better loading times. 

You also need to think about where to place your Temp folder.

Keep a copy of the scenery_packs I sent you  in a safe place.

When you get TEGB NORTH installed successfully you can then make sure that the TEGB Northj files are placed just under the other  TEGB files i.e. just below Global Airports

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