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Chargement des scènes Erreur scenery.cfg

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I have been a loyal user of your products since 2016.

I would like to congratulate you on the very hight quality of yours products.

I live in France and I don't speak English very well. So sorry for the transator's mistakes.


My configuration:

 - P3D version

- Orbx Central version 4.1.11


C:\ Win10

E:\ P3D and OrbxLibrary

I completely reinstalled my system after fully formatting my drivers to install the latest version of P3D v4.5 and OrbxCentral.

Nothing works anymore.

When I load Orbx Products, they are recognized by P3D but the scenary.cfg file is not update. As a result, the scenes are not loaded.

Synchonization of Orbx Central with the simulator is done.

I can open the scenary.cfg file with Orbx Central.

I reformated and reinstalled my system 3 times but it still doesn't work.

The installation of other scenes (for example LFMN from JUSTSIM) is done normally.

Can you hep me ?


Thank you in advance for your return. 



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Hello Nick,

I took a long time to reply to you because I have once again reformated my PC to the factory version.

Then I reinstalled Win10 P3D and all Orbx scenes on a separate directory

Now I have an Orbx scene which is listed in scenary.cfg :


(I send you the files)

I am enclosing the screenshot of the EGCD area (Global Base, Vector and Open LC Europe)

Everything seems OK  and I am very happy

But why all my Orbx scenes (I have 72 scenes) are not listed in the scenery.cfg ?

Contact me if you want more information


Thank you for your help


Regards, Alain




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