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Orbx Octagonal Borders Clearly Visible in Cruise

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Recently in P3Dv5, I have had an issue where there is a clear octagonal border of terrain visible all around the aircraft. I did not experience this in v4, and I don't recall seeing it in v5 until just a few days ago. The following images illustrate the problem. Note that I have seen this behaviour over openLC Europe (over Poland), openLC North America (over the Praries) and openLC Africa (after departing north from Nairobi).


In the images below, the octagonal border is visible directly in front of the aircraft. Closing ActiveSky didn't remove the problem, so I don't think its haze in the distance causing the issue.


My setting for Autogen and Scenery Draw Distance is set to High


I have all of my Orbx products for v5 saved in an Orbx Library on an SSD


To solve the problem, I tried the following - in this exact order:


  1. Verified files for Orbx Base/all open LC products - problem did not go away
  2. Set the terrain.cfg file to .off and let P3D rebuild it followed by running Sync Simulator in Orbx Central - problem did not go away (note, I did not set lclookup to .off since the guide says to not do that if the libraries are installed outside of the sim directory. My Orbx libraries are installed in an Orbx library outside of the sim folder).
  3. Deactivated all scenery that was installed between the sim looking fine and having problems - problem did not go away
  4. Deleted the shaders folder (even though all shaders are default) and let P3D rebuild a new Prepar3d.cfg file - problem did not go away
  5. Ran Delete Generated Files and set the simulator using the exact same settings as before - problem did not go away


Is there anything that I have missed? I'm at a loss for what could be causing this.







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26 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


apart from apparently not yet visiting the Insertion Point page in Orbx Central, I don't think you have a problem,

except that you are so high that you are seeing the extent of the loaded scenery.


Ah yes, I did forget to state that I went to the Insertion Point page and use the default settings there. Is the order of my addons in the above images okay? I see that some people have Orbx Libraries Lookup and Orbx Libraries Global at the top of the scenery library.


It's weird that I haven't noticed this in the last 3 years or so. Perhaps now that I know its there, I'm just looking for it, making it more apparent.

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