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My i7 upgrade only cost $400 instead of $1050

John Dow

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I have just costed my upgrade to an i7 920, Gigabyte Extreme Mobo, 6GB RAM and 1TB HDD.  Came in at between $350 and $400.  The secret?

Some dude was selling an extreme gaming computer for $2400 with no luck, so I offered $2000 and scored it.  It had the CPU, Mobo, 12GB RAM, 2 x GTX295 vid cards and a liquid cooled case.  All worked when tested before I handed over the folding stuff.

After selling off the bits I didn't need including half the RAM and both the video cards, and just keeping the CPU, Mobo, 6GB of RAM and the 1TB HDD, and selling the old Athlon CPU, Mobo, 4GB RAM and the old cooler, I have received around $1635, of which some has to go to eBay for fees.

Anyway just posting this as an alternative option for upgrading...  if you see a high end computer for sale and get it for the right price, by selling what you don't need and your old components as well, an upgrade can be really affordable.

Here's a list of what I sold:

Thermaltake LCS case:  $150

GTX295 vid card #1:  $465

GTX295 vid card #2:  $400

6GB DDR3 RAM:  $205

BluRay DVD:  $130

Athlon 6400+:  $100

Mobo:  $55

4GB DDR2 RAM:  $100

Zalman CPU Cooler:  $30

Total:  $1635

I had to buy a new CPU cooler but I also have three 320GB HDDs to sell now so once I sell them the cooler won't have cost anything.

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Hey John,

That's a really intelligent way of going about an upgrade.

Similar to you, I accrue lots of parts, as I upgrade frequently and it's amasing what sells on ebay.  Once you have a reputation on ebay for selling good gear, you've got it made.

Unfortunately, the same can't be said for flight sim gear. I guess it's a limited market out there and harder to offload even the best of gear.


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