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TE Washington and Orbx Airports !

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Hello , please have a look at my shot below :


I load up a flight at 1S2 Darrington  , and I realized that the Colours are different despite changing seasons !

Is there a fix or an upcoming Update ?

This happens to all Orbx Airports within TE Washington region !

Thank you ,


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I don't know if there are plans to update the airports or not.

It will not be a simple process and even in top down view,

the difference is not extreme.

At normal flying height it is far from obvious, but I expect that you will disagree.

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4 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


I don't know if there are plans to update the airports or not.

It will not be a simple process and even in top down view,

the difference is not extreme.

At normal flying height it is far from obvious, but I expect that you will disagree.

Hello Nick and thank you for your reply !

Actually I totally agree :) I have no problem at all ! I was just curious !!



Please have a look at my other post , when you get some time !

Trees everywhere !

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