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True Earth GB South and EU airports P3Dv4

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Things did not look right in Chichester/Goodwood  and Old Warden.  I found on the forums (Nick in Dec 2019 ) that to ensure that my original purchased regional airports to show correctly in T E south I had to verify the the air[port files and all would be well. I thought that I had already done so but ran the verify again . 

There did not appear to be any change in Old Warden (access from one of the parking bays behind the tower seems denied by a continuous fence) and at the end of the verification  for Goodwood I was asked to shut P3Dv4 and delete a couple of files (buildings and ADE). I could not get back to the main screen to shut down P3D and had to quit by closing the computer .

I am confused. On accessing these files I noticed that they had already been disabled around the time of Nicks post (Dec 19).  They were not done by me nor does the date of disablement tie in with my installation of T E earlier this year. Was the disablement done on an automatic update?  If so, has something changed since that update to generate the message that they should now be deleted? I assume not, as I am confident that Orbx would have also removed the message about having to delete them  on verification if they had already been disabled.

I note that there are other bgl. files that have also been disables for this airport (e.g. objects) but are not asked to be deleted. I have not yet run the verification on my other airports but am I likely to get the same message and circumstance?

 My question for clarification is, do I still need to delete them although they have been disabled? Or can I ignore? 

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Hi Nick ----your prompt reply came as I was preparing this.  Thanks for the info . Does that mean that I do not need to do anything about these files and it seems that the request for delete was a result of finger trouble by me.

I  have I have now run all airports'  verify files without P3D running and all seems to be OK .

However, I went back into the sim at Goodwood and decided to have a "walk " round away from the airfield in the Comanche with crash detection turned off.  Trundling along the start grid towards the exit into the marshalling area I disappeared  into a chasm that even with crash detection off meant a visit too the hangar and a large "bill" for the front end. I wish the old "BoB  worked . Does it?

Serious elevation issue here which is not apparent if you stick to the flying field!!! Would this be resolved by deleting these files or is this a result of a separate problem?

Oh, I eventually found the gap in the fence at Old Warden and had a trundle up to the house but the old Comanche couldn't make the gradient and elevation change getting up there. Another reason to stick to the flying field or a similar problem as Goodwood? I do not think that even BoB would have made it.


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Hi all -- and yet another problem. I suspect possibly relating to TE South and my recent verification as all worked with no probs. last week. 

Following  my problems as above with Goodwood and Old Warden I thought I had better look at my other airfields and they seem to be alright after a quick look, bar one. 

I was flying out of Compton Abbas after verifying my files and noticed a very large elevation error just past the cafe area. It is like a huge bunker with an aeroplane on the top.

 I know that I had similar problems some time ago (as many others did), but with a pit. but that was resolved. I have flown in/out of here many times since and this problem only appeared following my verification over the last couple of days..

My problem is that, looking for solutions on the forums there are several recommendations to turn off/delete the cvx or alt files in the scenery that seem to have worked  .But the cvx file is already disabled and I do not have an ALT file to do anything with.

I note Nick's comments regarding this issue and suggesting that a reinstall sometimes seems to solve the problem even though it rebuilds the file, but having done that the "bunker" remains.

I am assuming that those files marked as disabled are effectively OFF and should not be causing any problem and do not need to be deleted but a steer in the right direction to resolve this issue would be much appreciated.

This is all running on P3D v and sim connect version with no Global or Vector add ons.



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Hello--since my previous posts I have now gone through all my other airports and have confirmed that I have only 3 airports with issues, at Compton Abbas (EGHA )and 2  (I think) minor as they are off the flying field. They are Old Warden and Goodwood (EGTH and EGHR) . I notice also that this elevation problem has recently arisen in T E North at Stornoway ( jrgosland  last Sunday) which as yet has had no reply.

Nick' earlier input was welcome in educating me further and I have found that BoB is available for P3Dv4. My error.

A fuller picture of what is on my machine which is W10 and is a dedicated  P3Dv4 machine

P3D v 4  edition is 4..416.27077 with a sim connect version

Content on my machine is very simple ,

--A2A aircraft

--P3Dv4 Orbx scenery ONLY, including North American Regions. The problems are only with airports in T E GB South which I  purchased earlier this year. I deleted EU England/Wales to make room on my machine for True Earth South..

I have not yet migrated my library.

I do NOT have (or ever had on this machine) any other add ons such as  UK Airports, Vector, Land class, Active Sky, shaders,  etc. or more importantly any additional "Navaid"type programmes that might have airport elevation height contained in them which may conflict with either P3D or Orbx. AS such this rules out many of the suggestions that appear to have solved the problems for others'

I have not posted any screen shots as the offending area in Compton Abbas has appeared elsewhere many times.

I have trawled the forums here and L.M that have come up with suggestions with the following results.

Many of the suggestions for solution have been related to the Vector A.E.C tool . I do not have Vector.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled EGHA. No change

Verifying my files again correctly as suggested by Nick. No change

All the files referred to in the posts I have  looked at FTX..._05_scenery and  Scenery \world have already been renamed .OFF or disabled by new airport scenery or the installation of T.E.South. Interestingly the 05_scenery\world file for EGTH has NOT been set to .OFF. If it was, would it correct the elevation error for Old Warden?

The airports are in the correct place in the scenery library with the others. 

I notice that Nick's comment to this problem to others back in August 2019 was to "leave it to the team"  I assume that they are still working on it as there has been no fix or have hoped that it had gone away. 

This seems to be a recurring problem at this airport since at least 2016 through the various iterations of P3D, Orbx  Central and scenery development into True Earth South and now, it seems, continuing into TE North.

I continue to be amazed and commend the wealth of "under the hood" technical input into these forums but , alas, I am not one of them and able to delve into the innards of the coding etc.but I am sure that someone out there has (or had ) a similar problem and can assist me, and at least one other, in its resolution. It would be much appreciated.

Or, perhaps the developers would like to put their 2 pennyworth in?


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Hi all ---Not wishing to leave this thread open as others may benefit, I have after much trawling and experimenting with some suggestion, arrived at a satisfactory conclusion. Elevation corrected at EGHA. Hooray. But no solution at EGHR.

I ended up with a  mixture of deleting the cfg, (did not work on its own) reinstall of both the client and scenery,  which did but left me with a start up message that it could not find San Diego 130 etc which I could not solve but seems to have now sorted itself out (?)

Two outcomes from this :

---the elevation problem I spoke of at EGHR Goodwood, at the starting grid on the racetrack is still there and it appears that the designer has quite simply left the roof off the tunnel access underneath the track! 

--the second good outcome is that now loading the TE South scenery at the 6% mark remains for only about 20 secs now instead of closer to 2 mins. I do not know what has done this in all the fiddling that I have done but a great result .


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