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That is my fourth crash during approach to KEWR RW22L. Usually happens in short final around 500Ft. It looks like I  keep hitting some obstruction. How can I identify ,what is causing this problem.


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11 hours ago, asanal said:

It crashed also.

You are using resource hungry aircraft, did you try the Maule or Mooney default aircraft ?

Press Shift+Z  maybe twice, so that you can see the GPU memory reading, then keep an eye on it as you approach KEWR, your text will probably be red in colour.

That will show if you are running out of VRAM.

GPU memory.jpg

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I checked my VRAM with PMDG747-400:

 Takeoff  From KORD GPU Memory: 3.8/10.1 GB

370FL  GPU :Memory: 3.8/10.1 GB

Downwind:4.3/10.1 GB

Long Final 5000Ft 4.5/10.1GB

Short Final 1000 Feet GPU Memory:4.5/10.1GB

600 Feet GPU 4.8/10.1GB

500Feet GPU Memory:4.8/10.1GB.

Then. CTD. NO RED color.


Average FPS 15-22FPS Short Final.  My P3dv5 Setting are all Right.


It looks like I don't have any  VRAM issue.

I will keep searching to find the problem. Will inform



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