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Transponder regulation


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Howdy folks,

Today I was studying for my PPL exams and in a chapter about Radar I read it is obligated in Europe to have a Mode S transponder on board. Does anyone here know if the same regulation applies for Australia?

I'm asking because of all the FSX aircraft modelled with only mode A/C transponders, for instance the Carenado Cessna 152 and 172N.

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If I remember rightly, it's a requirement to have a mode C transponder within controlled (A & C classes) airspace. For Class D (part-time controlled reqional) & G (uncontrolled space) they are not required. There are not requirements for class S transponders at the moment.

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If I remember rightly, it's a requirement to have a mode C transponder within controlled (A & C classes) airspace. For Class D (part-time controlled reqional) & G (uncontrolled space) they are not required. There are not requirements for class S transponders at the moment.

That's my understanding too.. the push in Australia is for ADSB, but no one is willing to pay for it, not sure of the current state of that push though. I will say that based on the state of the GA Fleet in Aus if it became mandatory I think there would be a bunch of aircraft disappearing of the register.


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