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Getting access to scenery installed

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I have searched the forum, but found no help.


I am new to flightsimulation, using p3d v4.5. Have rescently installed Global openLC Mesh South America, and find it in the scenery and all is well. But, may someone advice me how to get to this scenery? Do I need to plot in an airport from this area, or plot in location data  in p3d? If so, where do I find the relevant data to plot in? I would love to find this scenery and fly around :)




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Hello Eva, welcome to the forums.

The product is only a mesh program = to better simulate the topography of South America and does not contain airports etc.

You will require another flight planning program, Plan-G, NavMap etc to create a flight between the airports in P3Dv4.5 default scenery, or use Google Earth to view South America close up, this will also show airport locations.

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