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Poor frame rate Leeds Bradford

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I purchased Orbx Leeds for XP11 last night and having frame drops and stutters very regularly at the airport. 


I have changed the settings to HDD as that is what I am using and still getting poor frames. 


Can anyone offer a solution please?

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So this is after I modified parking so Traffic Global jets could use the airport. Most of the parking was set for props only. Also the taxiways are micro managed up to the gates which is not recommended so I sorted that out too. I have excluded the default apron lighting and now use Laminar lighting for the apron instead. this gives me much better performance. The worst I get is around 25FPS right in front of the terminal but that's fine for taxi purposes. I could get better than that if I was to replace all the car park lighting as well but I can settle for 25.


When a dozen light poles pull the sims performance down to sub 20 FPS rates, clearly something is wrong. I am still getting near enough 31-32 FPS with replacement lights compared to the previous post where I just excluded the default apron lighting. 



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19 hours ago, cbcdesign said:

So this is after I modified parking so Traffic Global jets could use the airport. Most of the parking was set for props only. Also the taxiways are micro managed up to the gates which is not recommended so I sorted that out too. I have excluded the default apron lighting and now use Laminar lighting for the apron instead. this gives me much better performance. The worst I get is around 25FPS right in front of the terminal but that's fine for taxi purposes. I could get better than that if I was to replace all the car park lighting as well but I can settle for 25.


When a dozen light poles pull the sims performance down to sub 20 FPS rates, clearly something is wrong. I am still getting near enough 31-32 FPS with replacement lights compared to the previous post where I just excluded the default apron lighting. 





Just stumbled across this post and was inspired to have a go at editing the EGNM files myself. It would appear that my frame rate problem has gone away but can I just ask you to confirm that I've understood things correctly please!


I opened the dat file for Orbx egnm in wed but couldn't see any light poles. Eventually figured out that I also needed to import the dsf file for engm and once I did that I could see the cars and other features including the lights. I simply selected each light in turn and deleted them then saved the dsf (all I did was click save and it seemed to work. I then saved the dat file overwriting the original (I figure I can always reinstall using Orbx central if it all goes wrong). Fired up xp and not only have I got my frames back but more surprisingly I still have light poles. I went back into the dsf and the poles have definitely gone so I wonder if I'm now seeing default xp ones or something? Whatever is going on it definitely seems to have worked and for the first time ever I can approach the terminal at egnm and not see frames take a nose dive! 


Thanks for inspiring me!

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That is odd. I dont see why you would have default light poles because normally, excludes stop anything default from showing up unless a modified version of default EGNM just happens to be sitting above this version in the scenery_packs.ini file. I assume you definitely exported the modified scenery pack? As you can see in my first screen shot they were definitely gone when I made my mods. 


Now you can see what I mean about those light poles sapping performance though. I had the same issue at Edinburgh, in the car parks. I only bought EGNM to prove the hunch I had but actually I am glad I did, its a really nice airport scenery and on sale. 

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Well I have no clue what's happening but I have followed the exact same procedure at Orbx edinburgh andsaw the same positive impact! I simply open the dsf file for each airport and when I've finished deleting the light poles I press Save in wed and then I export the .dat file and save over the top of the original Orbx one. I don't have any other versions of these airports in my scenery folder and the default airport files are where you'd normally expect to find them in the ini file. All very strange but I'm certainly not complaining!

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Further update - whatever I've done it really has worked, I know a placebo effect when I see one (been simming for 30 years plus!) but this is the real deal. Just did a check flight into leeds and trundled up to the gate in the smoothest way imaginable, never been able to do that before. Running Beta 9 which isn't as good as earlier betas for me but even so, I am as happy as a pig in s*** right now!


By the way, sat on apron at Orbx east midlands as I type and no frame rate problem here. You suggested the same developer did leeds and edinburgh. Not sure where you got that from but is it possible that they are using a particular light pole that isn't in use elsewhere? It seems odd but thats the only explanation I can come up with at the moment!

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No if it works great! These are both very nice airports once the lighting frame rate impact is solved.

I just wonder what it is about these lights that causes it? They dont look all that complicated but something about them hits the sim for six. Its very odd. To be fair I had the same issue with PP EGGD definitive lighting too so its not just these two airports or one specific developer. These very bright lights seem to have a very high impact on frame rates both in daylight and at night, for some odd reason.  


I think Jon mentioned the same developer name in threads for EGPH and EGNM.

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