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Firmed up on Hardware


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After a few months of research on what's new and upcoming, I've decide on a spec for my new FSX system.

I really wanted a skull trail, but the available resources are limited and at this time I've opted for a single cpu board instead.

Here she is:

Asus Rampage III Extreme mobo

Intel i7 980x

24Gb DDR3 RAM (fastest I can get my hands on)

Asus Nvidia Geforce 480

Intel 160Gb SSD

1000 watt PSU

Thermalright cooling fan and fins

Xaser 6 case

Hope to build as soon as the board is delivered.


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I'm modding my room to accomodate a new "smallish" cockpit as well, Wolter, so It's gonna be a long process but I'm hoping to have it done by Xmas, but I got a few holidays coming up before then so I gotta get some "at home" time to do it all!


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Sounds like the Nuts Frank. Or should we call you Mr Holiday from now on  ;D

I'am also thinking of a new PC this year although i have the case and a 1000w power unit already, but you have spec'ed as a  was thinking but with 12gb ram, is 24 needed Frank?

Love my casehttp://www.coolermaster-europe.com/product.php?category_id=18&product_id=3947very well made.

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Wow you could probably power an aircraft with that lol, very nice let us all know how performance is when you have it.  So what you doing with the older yet current setup. You must also do a mini review when you get with FSX.

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I don't care if 12gb of RAM is just sitting there, I'm gonna put it in. I wanna future proof it as much as possible.

I'm hoping 12 months at a stretch.

Jim, my old setup will be used for productivity. I do a few DVD's and such for friends and family and also a fair amount of painting and photography nowadays.

I'll be investing in some new monitors as well, probably 3 x 32" wideys and keep my current 3 x 24's for painting.

Might not have to shell out for triple head 2 go this time, tho.


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Have the GTX 480 on the same order. I like the Asus boards better, Will be sticking the EVGA board with the old I7 975 Cpu as a spare setup.

Nice you will also have to let us know how it all goes with the GTX 480 and the 980X teamed up.

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I buy from several distributors but I have a guy who used to be my distributor many years ago.

He gets me some keen prices.

Softfish, I also have 2 other caddy loaded 1.5tb drives for extra storage. My 160 gb is only for FSX and add-ons.

Even with all I have loaded now and heaps of add-on aircraft, i've got about half my drive left, so should be ok till Intel bring out their SATA 6 320gb drives.


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