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KSEZ - Sedona


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When I go into the control panel of KSEZ and check the "FTX Open Landclass North America Mode" and save it, well it does not save . As a matter of fact any of the upper 2 check boxes. Any ideas?:huh:

Annotation 2020-05-11 113236.png

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usually, an Orbx control panel fails to work when either there are copies of both file versions or neither file version of a file that needs to be renamed.

The sledgehammer approach is to uninstall and then reinstall the product.


Otherwise, one can look at the control panel xml file and see what files are concerned and delete the "</offpath>" versions.

Here is the relevant part of the control panel file if you would prefer to try that.


        <description>Select this option if you do not have FTX OLC_NA installed</description>
        <packs />
        <name>FTX Open LandClass North America Mode</name>
        <description>Select this option if you have FTX OLC_NA installed</description>
        <packs />


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