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Insbruck LOWI missing runway and taxi markings

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I have a weird problem with LOWI. As I load the scenery the runway markings are missing. 




However, If I go outside view and start going up, suddenly the markings appear (only if I am looking downwards towards the aircraft)





And if I point the view towards the city the markings are gone again.





I have reinstalled the scenery but the problem still persists. Any help would be appreciated.




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15 hours ago, Sunny Andonov said:

Non importa. Ho appena trovato il problema segnalato. Colpa mia....

I have the same problem, but the mountains further down the valley and to the north are also partly black or with completely wrong colors.
I have checked the BASE PACK, openLC Europe, Germany South and Innsbruck files.
The problem remains.

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