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TerraFlora error on flight startup

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Hi, I'm coming across an error in X Plane 11 after installing TerraFlora. I currently have TerraFlora, Washington, and Anacortes in my ORBXLibrary folder that is not in the same folder as where I installed XPlane 11. I haven't had any issues prior just having Washington and Oregon installed.


When loading a flight that starts at Anacortes, I am getting an error that reads:

"Error, could not locate image file for forest


Custom Scenery/Orbx_orbxlibsXP/veglib/TFXP_Trees_1024_TE_NA.dds"


I've attached a screenshot as well. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am unable to even start a flight.

Annotation 2020-05-08 141356.jpg

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Please check in your OrbxLibsXP/veglibs folder for the missing file by entering TXFP_Trees_1024_TE_NA in the search bar. If it is not there then please run the Verify Files for OrbxLibsXP

Let me know if that works please. 

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The trees seems to have worked but I got another error for another DDS file. Looking at my veglib folder, I have no other DDS image files except for the one we copied over. I am assuming we should have a whole group of DDS files?


Annotation 2020-05-08 151936.jpg

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This is indicating that your installation of OrbxLibsXP is not complete or is not the latest updated version. You should have 12 .dds files in veglib

I suggest you uninstall OrbxLibsXP via Orbx Central and then reinstall.

BUT first please check if you have a backup copy made by checking in Orbx Central/settings/downloader. See the pic attached which shows the location of any backup copy you may have intentionally made or inadvertently made by have the option to automatically make backups enabled. Delete any backup copy as Orbx Central will be reading that possibly corrupt file when you run Verify Files or uninstall and reinstall. It will therefore perpetuate the problem if you don't delete it.

See the green highlights in the attached pick:




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