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Terra Flora V2

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I have bought and downloaded the Terra Flora V2.  It looks great and is a great enhancement.


However, I can not run Terra Flora and GSX at the same time.  Why?  I don't know.


My example is:  Spawning to KMEM in my B777 I get an immediate coutal error message and then crash of my sim.  the error msg asks me if I want to restart coutal which is GSX engine.


Whether I say yes or no the sim crashes.


My solution for now is to diabled the addon Terra Flora v2 and then fly as I normally would. When I get to or spawn to a non GSX airport I can enable the addon and everything is fine.


There is also another factor.  That is I can spawn to KMEM in another aircraft other than my CS 777, lets say the AB 330, with the Terra Flora enabled, and everything is fine.


My problem is with the mixer of Terra Flora V2, with CS 777 and KMEM with GSX.   That combination is disaster.


I never had this problem until Terra Flora was installed.


I'm not complaining.  Just thought I would add this so the Terra Flora people can look into it.


Anyone else with this problem?




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