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  • 2 months later...

Hello Marcus,


It's still impossible to make a flightplan in the MCDU. Still NOT IN DATABASE. I have the newest Airac. Today I made a flight to ESKS with ATC. Then no problem. What I saw now was a bold terrain. Without the many,many trees around the airfield. Previous I had that so I saw in the screenshots of Orbx,


Can you tell me where I can find the database in my Prepar 4.5.?


Thanks for your reaction and sorry for the late reaction of me. I coudn't find back this topic.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Marcus,

I forgot this item. I thought you gave a message to my e-mail. Sorry for the late reaction. But better late then never.


A have the A320 Prof. No problems with other Orbx fields. Only ESKS. Is well working in ATC of Prepar with a flightplan.

I think that I better can contact Aerosoft. It's their MCDU.

When I know something, I let know you.


I fly with Prepar V4.5


Thanks for your reaction.



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