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GTX480 + FSX = Match made in heaven.


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I'm running a i7-920 @ 4.2Ghz with a GTX295 in 'Single GPU mode' due to FSX not liking the multi gpu setting. So wonder how the new 980X with 6 cores and people running that at 4.4Ghz with a GTX480 would go?

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Hi Guys,

It seems that the GTX480 is everything we had hoped it would be for FSX. Jesus (Bojote) is a reliable source of breakthrough information. Even still, it will take a broader base of benchmarking to establish its documented integrity.

According to this benchmark test (and others) the GTX470 can be overclocked to very near the 480's level of performance:


So, my plan is to see if it can master FSX too. I think it is highly likely, but only the pudding itself will show the proof. My MSI GTX470 copy should be here shortly as it is in stock and being shipped, and then we may know one way or another, or whether the outcome is still uncertain. If the GTX470 does not work as hoped, I can always send it back and replace it with its bigger brother.

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I actually broke down and ordered my first nVidia card, a GTX 480, when they were at TigerDirect.com for $520US with 12.3% Bing Cashback ($64US)... It's supposed to arrive on the 19th and I'm drooling after reading Jesus' post over at Avsim last night.

It seems it will blow away by 4850x2 (especially considering FSX only uses one 4850  :( ).

I was holding out hoping for a cheap 5870, but I seriously doubt ATi will be lowering prices with such low product availability right now and it already being priced right below the GTX 480.


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It all sounds great but I'm wondering how with the 'Poolsize=0' mod on a i7-980X with its smashing of the GPU on a GTX480 would go?

6 cores with an O/C of about 4.2Ghz with a GTX480 should yield some pretty decent results I'd imagine and it would have to be more then a i7-920 @ 4.2Ghz with a GTX295.

Time will tell! :)

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I'm getting amazing results with my gtx 285 1 gig card, dense AG and locked at 37.  :)

It took a while and lots of tweaking, but with the new nvidia driver I finally found the joy I've been searching for.

I will definitely upgrade my card to a 2 gig gtx 480 or 485. With BP=0, new drivers, and a faster card, I will see 30-40 and silky smooth flight, even with extremely dense AG.

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