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I have quite a few Orbx products which I am really happy with and have been trouble-free. Up until recently I was using Xplane version 4 on Windows 7.

I recently updated to Windows 10 and simultaneously updated explain to version 5 (Vulkan). Since that time whenever the Xplane loads I get the following message:

'There was a problem loading the scenery package:

Custom scenery/Orbx_OrbxlibsXP/
The scenery may not look correct.
Please see the Log txt file for detailed error information'

I have attached that log for information and the scenery_pack.ini file too.

I also use a program called XOrganiser to manage my scenery files. It identifies potential conflicts. I have taken a screenshot that may assist.

I have tried moving the Orbx MESH files into the mesh folder shown in XOrganiser but whenever I reboot Xplane they revert to this order.

Interestingly when I revert back to Xplane version 4, everything loads without a problem.

It's probably something really basic and  I've tried to re ordering the scenery files to what i think they should be. However, they keep changing back. Xplane start up time is excessive. Any help would be greatfully recieved.


Thank you in advance,



Log.txt scenery_packs.ini.txt Xorgainser screen shot.pdf

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There is no support for beta versions of flight sims. However as reported and noted many times in this forum, 11.50 brings up an error message regarding OrbxLibsXP. Ignore it as it is functioning with no known problems. It known by the devs and will be addressed when 11.50 becomes an official Release version and out of Beta.

I have adjusted  your scenery_packs.ini for you to give the optimum performance and layering for TEGB South which requires the London Landmarks file to be above TEGB South in the layering sequence.



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I appreciate your reply. I was aware of the lack of support around beta versions, I just hoped some knowledgeable individual might be able to shed light on it. And there you were!

Thank you for taking the time to adjust the ini file.


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8 hours ago, reyno_g said:


I appreciate your reply. I was aware of the lack of support around beta versions, I just hoped some knowledgeable individual might be able to shed light on it. And there you were!

Thank you for taking the time to adjust the ini file.


You are welcome anytime.

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