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GTX 260 SO

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Hi guys, I recently purchased a new computer and I just needed to know what sort of score a GTX 260 SO gets when it comes to FSX/ORBX etc. Benchmark wise, it seems pretty close to a 275. I've seen some figures of 30fps on 8800 ultra on 1920x1280 with everything maxed but I am getting around 10fps at best on everything maxed on 1920x1024 with the ORBX demo and full traffic.

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I have the GTX 260 but I would recommend you go with the GTX285 that seems to be the one used most and I am going to upgrade to that soon. The GTX260 is ok but I think you will be happier with the GTX 285. Don't bother with the 275 it isn't much different to the 260.

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That's why I got the SO, cheaper than the 275 by around 60-80 bux with pretty much identical performance. It's only usually 5ps lower than the 285 on high resos, so I couldn't justify the price difference for that either. My thinking is along the lines of a gtx 470/480 in a year or whenever they drop to below 300 rather than forking out the pretty much the same price as a 470 is for a 285 today.

What sort of fps are you getting from your FSX flyguy737? What cpu and what is it over-clocked to if at all? Would be good to know what other people are squeezing out of their 260.

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I used a GTX 260 SC edition for a good long while, and I was very happy with it. I only recently upgraded to a 280 GTX SC because I was able to get one on the very cheap, but honestly, I was quite happy with the 260....a very capable card indeed.

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What sort of fps are you getting from your FSX flyguy737? What cpu and what is it over-clocked to if at all? Would be good to know what other people are squeezing out of their 260.

Nah I don't overclock my CPU anymore too risky but I get about 15-45 FPS with all sliders max sometimes abit more sometimes a bit less. Depends on the scenery.

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Ah your specs are down the bottom... was too tired, didn't see them.

Sniper 31, did you see a performance boost?

From the 260 to the 280? Well, yes, mainly because I can O/C the 280 a bit more and it also has 1 GB of RAM.

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Well, looks like I'll surely be upgrading to a GTX 470 as soon as they are priced well. I'm finally getting some sort of stability out of my system and touch wood but this is my final reinstall of the system and all its components at least for now. I over clocked the CPU a tiny bit to just 3.15Ghz but I saw no FPS gain at all. Well, I thought I did gain a little but if so then only marginally. Anyway, the video card itself, through running GPU-z in parallel, looks to be getting maxed out a lot of the time on this last reinstall. Looks about right too, as before it looked like it wasn't being used at all which was just too wierd. I wanted to get a GPU that would get maxed out on FSX as I'm not much of a gamer so I don't need a fancy GPU, but it looks like I have done a slight miscalculation. Oh well, no biggie. Happy with what I got now. Thanks for the replies guys. Very helpful.

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