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Terrain image file not located


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Trying to get True Earth US Florida HD to start after I downloaded it in X-Plane.

This issue is not new as  look at prior tickets.  But I do not see a solution.

I have plenty of available space on my drive. 

******Error, could not locate image file for terrain.

Custom Scenary/Orbx_C_US_Florida_TE_Orthos/terrain/d6b0x8a10x17SM.ter

""                                    ""      /d6b0x8a10x17.dds


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Welcome. This is an error message normally indicating a lack of required free disk space. Most reports of the same error have been resolved and assistance given including posting a complete guide as to what is essential prior to trying to install a True Earth addon. You say have "plenty" of available spce, but don't indicate which drive or how much space.

Do your have your XP installation on a different drive to C drive? What is the free space on your C drive.

What is the free space on your drive that XP is installed on if not your C drive.

Please attach a pic of your Orbx Central/settings/downloader page

Please ensure you answer the above questions so I can determine how to resolve your issue. Thanks

Please ensure you meet and have made any changes required that appear in this link:



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Thank you for responding. The first time I received the error message was on the C drive (210 g free after finishing). I then decided to put it on my backup X-Plane disk, D drive, with 600 g free...after loading again with no error message....I started x-plane...got same error message.

can you attach these file so I can load them into my system ?


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When you decided to put it on your D drive, did you uninstall the initial installation on your C drive by using Orbx Central to uninstall and then do a new download and install into your D drive? Or did you just copy over the C drive files to D drive?

It is unfortunately not a case of attaching a file for you as it may well result in further error messages referring to yet another missing file.

 I only have  the SD version installed so i would not be able to attach a copy anyway unfortunately.

You need to attach a pic of the Orbx Central/settings/downloader page as i asked so i can see where your Temp folder is located or take a look at that page and advise me as to the Temp folders location. TE Florida requires 200GB of free space on the disk that has your Temp folder on it. 

I also need to know if you have the option for Backups ticked.I need to know if you have cleared your Temp folder etc.

The above requirements are necessary to ensure we don't go round in a loop of error messages. For example if you have a backup copy and it is corrupted somehow, and you then run a reinstall (like you have from your initial C drive to D drive) you would be installing the corrupted copy again.


 I strongly suggest that you uninstall via Orbx Central what you have, make a new Temp folder on your D drive and tell Orbx Central it's location via the Edit option. Reboot your PC. Then having cleared your old Temp folder, deleted any backup copy, use Orbx central to Download and install again into your D drive XP installation.

All of what you need to do and how to do it is in the attached pic:




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