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Power Supply Help

Guest boeingqa

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Guest boeingqa

Hi all just bought a new system and l`m not that happy

Here is what l have and l will tell you why l`m not that happy

Gigabyte x58A-UD7 motherboard

Gigabyte 285 1 gig videocard

6 gig corsair ddr3 memory 1600

i7 930 cpu

mega shadow deluxe cpu cooler

sound blaster card

antec 902 case

Corsair 64gig extreme ssd HD

Corsair 256gig extreme ssd HD

did have the antec 1200 watt true power supply but did work had to send it back

for the time being l have a 650watt power supply coolermaster

l have this clocked at 3.5 or around that also the memory at 1700. with flightsim it isnt that smooth

could this be related to the power supply being only 650watt. maybe stressing it out.

also what are the best tweaks to apply to my flightsim?

Thanks for all the help

Paul Jones


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Guest boeingqa

Guys this is a strange one when l use unlimited in the game l get bad jerks in the game but when l set it to around 50 fps its rather smooth?

might not be the ps after all but l think a 850watt would be better or 1000.

any thoughts would be great.


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