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Scenery Loading with Orbx

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On a flight from KPDX to KSFO when approaching the reservoirs just to the East of S30 (South of Portland) I got a large blue triangle in place of the Orbx scenery (OR TE).  A "triangle" may be a misnomer as the area was more like a very long valley of bright blue.  I thought I could fly over it but I think it just moved as I did.  I was using Vulkan at the time.  Knowing that the scenery loading was now "different" I then tried the same flight with 11.50 OGL and got the same result.  Subsequently I tried different graphics settings (some much lower) on several more flights thinking I may be running out of VRAM but got the same result.  I then tried the flight on 11.41 (stable install) and the scenery was displayed correctly as I approached the same area.  Both installs use the same Orbx scenery located on another drive.  A flight generated at S30 to confirm the scenery actually existed had no issues.  I am wondering if any other Orbx users have experienced any similiar issue.

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Not to my knowledge Ken. I have no reports of a similar nature, but that probably means no one has flown in that exact location. 11.50 does have some quirks to it at present especially as we know there is nothing wrong with the scenery itself as it works as it should in 11.40/41. It therefore means it is 11.50 related.

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Thank you Jon!  I am able to complete this flight normally despite encountering several of these areas along the way.  The scenery does finally load usually after I am just about to leave the "tear" area.  There is no indication of anything amiss - the FPS is stable (60) and the flight is smooth.  I don't have a log to attach right now (operator malfunction) but I'm using a GTX1070 and i5-6600K @4.2 along with 32GB of RAM.  It's a bit "old" so I limit my settings to "high" which works well.  Here are a couple of screen shots...

TBM900 - 2020-04-16 10.44.36 AM.jpg

TBM900 - 2020-04-16 10.52.29 AM.jpg

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