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EGLC freeze on approach 27

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EGLC is freezing on approach at all angles. Its occurring at 500' to 600' point just on the edge of the river Thames 27 approach @ N51 30.23 E0 5.31'. Apologies to Gregg not E0.31

Verified Orbx libraries, verified EGLC. Checked it without EGLC installed and the same occurs. TE GB installed. England not installed. Its as if a tractor beam hits it! It still sounds as it is continuing to fly on with all the warnings bell and whistles and then you unfreeze and you have entered the disorientation phase! as the aircraft seems lost between the layers. Anyone experienced this. The photos are in the freeze. Its Win10 pro P3D 4.5.

freeze3 lat long.JPG



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Is that the Majestic Q400?  If so it is notorious for slowing down freezing etc.  One thing that can cause it is the autosave feature in FSUIPC.


If not, maybe the sim is trying to load too many things at once?  Have you got other add-ons in the UK?


The only way you can know for sure is to disable all other sceneries that might be affecting it and see if one of them is causing the problem.


It's not the EGLC scenery, or we'd all be seeing it.



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Thanks for your reply John.

I accept the point you make John, but this hasn't happened before. I do have a lot of Orbx scenery of which all is Orbx. So I will strip it out until I find if anything affects this condition. As for the Majestic I have never had problems with it (but the rig is quite substantial). In the photos it shows the system is at 40 FPS (I set this restriction figure ) and the system bangs against 39.9 wherever I take any aircraft, but then I tested with and without EGLC.and it just freezes and crashes right at those exact coordinates. No stutters until that point just smooth, then smack as if its hit a brick wall. Anyway I'll remove each Orbx scenery systematically and see what I find and check FSUIPC. Thanks for your help John.


PS. I hasten to add I do get the same behaviour with any aircraft default or otherwise

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Hi chaps,


yes it is an issue that I reported a week or two ago, EGLC crash on approach, I was asked for a screen shot and duly posted it up tagging Greg (Orbx) in as requested.


Several others have posted too, try search -EGLC crash on approach- and see posts.


Kindest Regards



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