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X-PLANE crashing after US Washington HD install

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You are reminded that there is no support given for XP11.50 Beta. FYI, though, TE Washington installs in 11.50 with some caveats which are availab;e in tis XP support forum.

If you have already an installation of TE Washington in another XP version like 11.40/41 then you can create shortcuts or symbolic links to that installation and drop the links into your 1.50 Custom Scenery folder.

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Hi Jon,

   Could you instruct me how to create shortcuts or symbolic links to that installation and drop the links into my 1.50 Custom Scenery folder or how i could remove the 11.50 Beta version and revert back to 11:40/41. Thanks for the reply and info.

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9 hours ago, postie_47 said:

Hi Jon,

   Could you instruct me how to create shortcuts or symbolic links to that installation and drop the links into my 1.50 Custom Scenery folder or how i could remove the 11.50 Beta version and revert back to 11:40/41. Thanks for the reply and info.

Is v11.50b the only XP installation you have? Important you answer this question before doing any of the suggestions below:




If it is then there is no way you can actually change 11.50b into 11.40/41.

You would need to reinstall XP making sure you have unticked the option to install Betas. It will then install 11.40.

Before you do that, take your Custom Scenery folder and save it somewhere safe.

Once 11.40/41 is installed you can then make a second install od XP and tick the Beta option and it will install 11.50b.

If and when you have done that I can guide you regarding shortcuts to 11.50b


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Hi Jon

   Thanks for all your help.I have a second copy of X-Plane on another drive. Can i use that? Also i have X-Plane working good so far but when i load KSEA it i get this message.Is there something in the Orbx _OrbxlibsXP/ i should take a look at? Thanks again!

X-Plane message.PNG

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9 hours ago, postie_47 said:

Hi Jon

   Thanks for all your help.I have a second copy of X-Plane on another drive. Can i use that? Also i have X-Plane working good so far but when i load KSEA it i get this message.Is there something in the Orbx _OrbxlibsXP/ i should take a look at? Thanks again!

X-Plane message.PNG

Yes you can use that.

The message regarding OrnxLibsXP is a standard message received by all user with 11.50b. Just ignore it. It may cause sme anomalies somwhere but being a beta, Orbx won't be seeking a fix until 11.50 becomes am official Release by Laminar. Orbx though is noting all the anomalies.

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