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Scenery Pause/Stutters with High FPS

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I recently changed my P3D over from Win7 to Win10 with a complete reinstall of all software including all of Orbx sceneries. I had hoped the many scenery pauses would disappear but apparently this change to Win10 did nothing for this problem. The scenery while flying stops/pauses for typically 5 - 10 seconds. On approach it is often longer. This is especially a problem in the Pacific Northwest where I fly General Aviation at lower altitudes and have pretty much every airport and all base, vector and mesh products. Also running Active Sky.

Is the problem as simple as reducing sliders to improve this issue?

If so, what sliders are the most effective with Orbx products. 

I can run with all sliders maxed full and get typically 25-50 fps pretty much everywhere, however, the pauses still occur even during high frame rates about once every 5 - 10 minutes of flying. I'm running at 4.6 GHz, a GTX 1080 11GB and 32 GB RAM on a Samsung 860 EVO SSD.

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Sounds stupid, but does your Windows 10 by chance change the desktop background regularly? I read somewhere (here or on avsim) that this "dynamic" desktop background indeed introduces regular stutters/pauses in P3D. Might be worth checking.


Same goes for autosave options in FSUIPC etc. Those things might introduce regular stutters.

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I think I remember Nick suggesting that having a lower fixed fps can give time for scenery to load where running at full fps can introduce stutters. Something like that. I run at fixed 26 fps in most scenarios and it is smooth as silk in PNW and am not as well spec'd as you. Give it a try and see. Nothing ventured etc.



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