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Vienna Airport two Entries in scenery cfg

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Thank you for your quick responce. Now after update with Orbx Central it is one entry, see picture.


I m using many Prealsoft Addons especially Prealsoft - HD Cities Vienna P3Dv4.


What is the right position in the scenery file? Over or below all enties of Orbx? Best Michael 


A new phenomenon: After the update Orbx Central writes "complete" but the download queue is not emty. You have to close Orbx Central. When opening, everything fits.


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Hi Michael. I am not sure, if your Prealsoft scenery will work with that airport, I asked about in the Preview thread and it's so new, they don't have any compatibility. It's worth a try. For sure, your airport should be above the Prealsoft scenery, or you will probabely have houses inside the airport perimeter. On the other hand, it's possible that some houses around the airport will be missing, because then you have all the Orbx surrounding space on first priority. (See it like layers of a painting. lowest is the background, the higher, the closer to the eye, so, you see that and it will be covering what is below.). So, it's worth a try, but I don't know what it will look like. 


The scenery is made only compatible to the Austria Pro Scenery.

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