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problem with install of AUTOTRAFFIC200

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I do not have any of the AU files installed only PNW

After the installation completed it showed a quick error message which I let by (mistakenly?) installation continued saying the installation was successful.

But when I went in to flight simulator I got a message saying aircraft could not be initialized and were all gone,  I found a file in my Microsoft FSX directory called FSX_Orbx_backup.cfg with a current date I renamed it to FSX.cfg to replace my apparently corrupted fsx.cfg and it restored all my aircraft.

Question: I assume this is a full backup of my original FSX.cfg file (thank you for creating this)  yes/no

I seem to have developed other problems such as

FTX AI control panel cannot click on blank box it says “FSX default traffic disabledâ€

Cannot find

default FSX global AI traffic file located in:


be renamed back to its original name of trafficAircraft.bgl

cannot find

rename the above file to trafficAircraft.bgl.DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI

So I am not sure what I have done to affect my AI traffic.

I may have 2 choices to correct this problem

1. Uninstall according to the manual except I don’t know what to do about above missing files.

2. I have ordered Australia SP3 DVD, I could install DVD and then re-run the AUTRAFFIC200.

Your help to correct this problem would really be appreciated.


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Hi Larry,

I assume when you say in your post "After the installation completed it showed a quick error message", you were referring to the FTX AU Traffic pack V2.0. I will answer on the basis you were.

The installer will do two things to your existing FSX files which is why the backup. Firstly it will add a line in your FSX config file telling FSX where all the new AI aircraft are located and secondly it will take your current FSX default traffic file out of play by renaming it. If your default traffic file is missing or already renamed, then that would create a problem with the installation.

You could rerun the installation process but that would not work until you reinstall your default traffic file.

Have you installed any other AI traffic files which may have disabled your default one? Perhaps you could do a search to see if the file has been moved elsewhere or alternatively, you could locate it on your FSX DVD and copy it back into Scenery\World\Scenery again.

I did note that you said you do not have any of the AU files installed. If so, then I am curious as to why you would be installing the FTX AU Traffic pack as it is primarily for use with the FTX AU scenery and is very heavily biased towards Australian flights. Orbx are working on a NA Traffic addon designed to fill the skies over PNW but that will not be released until later this year.

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Hi Tim,

Thank you  for your reply.

My lack of knowledge about AU files. I had a feeling I should not have done this when I saw the quick error message, but then the install said  install successful.

But when I opened FSX and the message was “aircraft not initiated I knew I messed up.

I am using Ultimate Traffic 2.

I think I have an original default traffic file on another computer. What would the file name be?

I have not directly installed any AItraffic files.

I have a “traffic.bgl,  80,216KB “traffic_7S3.bglâ€, “traffic_Avalon.bgl, “traffic_darrington.bgl†and a “trafficAircraft .utb

If I copy the default traffic file how will that affect Ultimate Traffic 2 ?

I am going to look for the files you mention and will get back to you shortly as I really want to fix this.

And also thanks for your reply.

Other subject while I have your ear:

My 18 year old grandson who lives in Burlington Vermont USA has been on a safari with a group in Tanzania for the past 30 days. He has just arrived in  Sydney and will be with friends in  and then travel to Cairns  (I don’t know if I spelled it right) he hopes to go diving at the Great Barrier Reef,. Plans to be in Australia for a month These kids are not afraid to do anything these days. Saved up the money cutting lawns as well as a job. His father is an aircraft mechanic. Just so pleased with what he is doing, had to tell someone in Australia.


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Hi Larry,

I see from your earlier post that you already have that file, it has just been renamed “trafficAircraft .utb", presumably by Ultimate Traffic in the same way that FTX AU Traffic renames that file.

I'm still not sure why you want FTX AI as well as Ultimate Traffic. You do realise that having the two installed will give you duplicate traffic for all flights in Australian skies. FTX AI traffic only covers Australia while Ultimate Traffic covers the world including Australia.

Let me know what you want to achieve here and we'll take you through the best route to get there.

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Hi Graham,

My choice right now would be to continue with Ultimate Traffic 2 since it covers the US as well as Australia. I really did not understand the consequences of running FTXAUTRAFFI200. I guess I may be too anxious to get all the AU files and necessary patches and upgrades for this incredible scenery system.


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Hi Larry,

Then I suggest you remove FTX AU Traffic from your system.

I assume you have already reverted to your original fsx.cfg file and your remaining traffic files appear to be in order, so all you need to do is delete the two folders FTXAI_AIRCRAFT and FTXAI_TRAFFIC from your Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU folder.

I'm not sure if the install process would have successfully created an entry in your Scenery Library (it should have but with the problem from the install process it may not have worked) but if it has, you will need to start FSX and go to Settings - Scenery library and delete the entry for FTX AI Traffic.

Perhaps when the FTX NA Traffic pack is released, you may wish to install that and reinstall the AU Traffic pack. Can I suggest therefore, that you keep your existing AU download for possible use sometime in the future.

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Hello Graham,

While in FTX CENTRAL  North America Mode  I deleted from the FSX scenery Library  A file the entry called FTX AI Traffic. 

Also deleted FTXAI_AIRCRAFT and FTXAI_TRAFFIC from the ORBX\FTX_AU folder.

After I made the above changes I loaded FTX CENTRAL North America  mode once agiain, I found that the  deleted FTXAI_AIRCRAFT was back in my Scenery Library although  a message said the file could not be found. I went into my scenery.cfg file and manually deleted it. I have a program that will correct all the numbers and layers (I have 429 entries) it

re-sorts everything In 5 seconds.

The sceney.cfg no longer shows this file and all numbers and layers are in order.

I will save the FTXAUTRAFFIC200 file for future consideration and wait for the FTX NA Traffic pack to be released and be MORE careful next time.

The FTX AI CONTROL PANEL remains on my desktop, should I delete it?

Can you let me know if I completed everything I was supposed to do?


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Yes Larry, delete that desktop icon as well.

To completely clean your system, you probable should also go to ORBX\Scripts and ORBX\User Documents folders and remove any files which mention FTX AI Traffic. If you're unsure, just list the files you see in those folders and I can confirm they are ok for deletion for you.

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Hi Graham,

This is what I found:

From scripts “scenerylib_FTXAI_TRAFFIC.cfgâ€

From user documents “FTXAUTRAFFIC User Manual v2.00.pdfâ€

Under Versions “FTXAUTRAFFIC.TXTâ€


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