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Missing traffic in 11.50

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I'm just in the process of migrating Orbx stuff over to my 11.50 installation and noticed that while the traffic coming into EGHI runway 02 is present on the Orbx TE GB South, adding Orbx EGHI removes the traffic.  Moving from default road to transparent road textures does nothing.


Is there something wrong with my install, maybe the scenery .ini is wrong?  Or is this a 11.50 bug?

If it's something wrong with my install, how do I fix it?

If it's something to do with Orbx compatibility with 11.50, then I'm happy to wait for a fix while flying at higher framerates.


Thanks in advance for the help!

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10 hours ago, SimFlyer15 said:

Seems like just an issue with airports and not the TE scenery.  How long does stuff normally go from beta to release for XP?


Looks like I won't be flying with Orbx airports for now.  Thanks for confirming this issue!

What traffic programme do you use?

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In each of the airports, where relevant, there will be a text file called Ground Traffic. You could rename it is Ground Traffic.bak.

Please note that not all airports will have active ai traffic using the default and very limited XP AI traffic programme.

As a beta version XP 11.50 is no where geared up to be using many 3rd party plugins like traffic programmes etc.

What i have done is enabled Display Parked aircraft so that airports have at least some planes showing. This is something I never do in the v11.40/41 version where all 3rd party traffic programmes work fine.

Renaming the Ground Traffic txt file will not necessarily mean you will now get active XP ai traffic.


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Tried renaming the file and no joy.  What I am hoping to get is to have the Orbx airport buildings and runways and scenery but still have the roads working like this one behind runway 02 in EGHI:





I don't care much for the in-airport traffic of tugs and cars as they just run into my aircraft anyway and breaks immersion but I'd like to have the traffic outside of runway 02 as it does make approaches much more interesting.  Is this possible in 11.50 or is it definitely broken?

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