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Confused scenery_packs.ini Questions

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Hello - I am experiencing scenery_packs.ini problems. Here is a list of questions.  I've included the .ini file that I re-ordered (and yes, I saved it) before I flew at KBVS, and the one just after the flight at KBVS.  I just installed Orbx KBVS SkagitRegl and strange things are happening (the most recent questions about KBVS are at the bottom #7-9)

1.       I placed the Chicago Landmarks above KCGX_A_Merrill because I was told this was the only way to see the added landmarks.  True or False?

2.       Does the Orbx_KCGX_C_Overlay/ need to be at the bottom right above the yOrtho4XP_Overlays/ or should it be below KCGX_A_Merrill_C_Meigs_Field entry?

3.       I have no idea where to place Airport Environment HD – I made the assumption that it had to be above Global Airports so that the updated environment of the HD entry could be seen over the generic Global Airports.  True or False or Doesn’t Matter?

4.       I placed Washington DC Landmarks above the TE Washington entries for the same reason the London Landmarks are placed above the TEGB South/North/Central entries.  Necessary or Unnecessary?

5.       I read that the KSEA and LOWI Demo Areas needed to be ABOVE Global Airports, yet when I look at the amazing things Jon Clarke does with scenery_packs.ini folders – the few I’ve seen all have the Demo areas UNDER the TEGB entries far below Global Airports.  Any definitive (I hope that Jon will be able to answer as he has helped me so greatly in the past) word on where the Demos should be?

6.       Is TerraFloraXP like a library and can go anywhere in the order?

7.       I just purchased Orbx KBVS Skagit Regional, installed it (everything seemed like it installed perfectly, parked my C-172 by a building at an appropriate distance so folks would have to walk out to the airplane a good distance.  Flew a basic touch and go pattern, parked in same spot and saved for start up at same position next time.  Next flight the runways and taxiways were not normal looking, instead they were splotchy (maybe this is supposed to be?) with white patches everywhere, and now my C-172’s right wing was ¼ inside a building extension that was not there when I parked and saved.

8.       Things I tried = re-ordered scenery pack (attached is my BeforeflightREORDERed.ini (the one I put in to fly) and the resulting AFTERfly.ini scenery pack ini file that now consistently gets messed up (like at the bottom with double entries or entries where the first part of the line is dropped (see bottom of ini file AFTERfly).  I also uninstalled and re-installed the scenery with same effects/outcome.

9.       Also, there is no entry of the Orbx_A_KBVS_SkagitRegl in the scenery_packs.ini file even though it is in the Custom Scenery File and does appear to be working in the simulator (albeit I’m not sure about the splotchy ground textures). 

Thank you in advance for any helpful suggestions.  Scott Freeby -iii<O

AFTERfly.ini BeforeflightREORDERed.ini

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I will take a look at your scenery packs.

1. Not necessarily. I have my Landmarks all below Global Airports except London, because the XP landmarks are to complement and complete the POI landmarks with TEGB South.

2. As a rule most addon airports that come with more than a single file, i.e. with possible Roads, overlay and/or mesh, tend to be grouped together as a single package in the ini as they are only relevant to the airport and it's immediate limited surrounding, so would not be causing any conflict with other scenery.

3. I don't have/use Airport Environment but am told it should be placed above Global Airports which makes since since it is designed to enhance the default Global Airports.

4. TE Washington has the landmarks in general so not necessarily required above TE Washington. I haven't checked if there are duplicated landmarks but that is something you could check. I have all my landmarks located as I wrote in answer No 1

5.Since a while back it is best to place the 2 Demo airports above Global Airports. I don't recall ever placing them below Global Airports since v11.40

6. Yes

7. The white patches etc are part of the decals added to surfaces by Airport Environment HD. Suggest you open Airport Environment and see if you can remove that part of the addons effect.

8. Don't understand why Skagit is not in your scenery pack. I suggest you use Orbx Central to uninstall and reinstall and see if it appears in the scenery pack.

9. You owe me a beer:)





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