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Nite textures in daytime and snow textures at night


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This problem has been addressed by a few people in the last month or so and I am joining the band wagon.

Ever since the auto update of FTX Cental and the merging of FTX LIghts and the Global Base pack I get terrible terrain features as shown in my screen shot.

I have tried every step that has been suggested, install, re-install. Verify files. Put back into P3D root folder. etc... etc.....

I've tried messing with texture settings. Timing of my OC settings.  I've even uninstalled every 3rd party scenery package I have.  The problem still exits.

I can get it better by uninstalling all of the Global base products.  But that is not an option. It just proves something changed with the new update to FTX Central.

Oh!  by the way,  I did verify each product.  And I did do a "sync"


I've gone so far as to uninstall and then reinstall all Prepar3d scenery just in case.  It did not change.


I have followed the instruction of Doug and of Nick Cooper to try and resolve this issue.  I have installed, reinstalled, verified, sync'd, and anything else I could think of. 

My recent venture of to go into the Scenery Library and disable all FTX folder.  Amazing, no issues except for the stock scenery.

I then started turned on each folder until I came unto a problem. (That was the plan)


BINGO!!!   I first turned on FTX VECTOR.  Immediately the square black blotches and night texture popped up.  I then turned it off again. And then turned on only the FTX Global base.  Wow!  Not as bad but there were some of the same thing but fewer.


I'm stuck.  All of my scenery worked perfect as it always does from Orbx until version 4.1 of the FTX Central hit my machine.  I'm usually ok with figuring out problems in P3D, but this one takes the cake.


At this stage of the game I can not use my simulator while it is in a checkerboard state.


All of FTX stuff is so great.  I brag to all about it.  It has never really given me any problem which couldn't be resolved.  But this one renders my machine unusable for flight simulation.





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ummm,  uhhhh,  well...........hu ummmm.........


Doug,  I'm loosing my mind.


As I was following your steps I was thinking, "Why am I doing this for the umpteenth time?"   Then......  BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     It hit me right in the face while I was reading your instruction.


Instead of updating and verifying the Orbx Libraries,  I've been doing all of that to the "Object Flow" file.   So.............  I updated the Library and here is the result:


I know your going to laugh.  Its ok.  I deserve it.


Thanks so much for your help.  Sometimes I guess it takes a little simple line by line instruction to keep us old guys going.




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I did go ahead and activate all of the FTX scenery.   I had to make sure the VECTOR entries were like your picture because for some reason the P3D Africa scenery keeps wanting to insert itself in between the VECTOR entires.


Here is the shot after activating ALL FTX and VECTOR in proper order:




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