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NZMF orphaned parking spot 1


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I am using GSX 2 and want to use the GSX parking editor.  The error message that the single parking spot, at 1,  is orphaned, keeps blocking any GSX 2 actions.


I don't have an airport editor (and wouldn't mess with one if I did!) could one of your devs un-orphan the parking spot please?


Then GSX 2 can be used to unload passengers from my Milford Sound Twin Otter.


I can then make a movie!





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On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2020 at 10:25 PM, Smudger said:

Hello herky,

try this one, copy and backup the original, then let this one overwrite.

Also backup this bgl if you are happy with it, doing a Verify on NZMF it will replace this file with the original.

ORBX_NZMF_APX.bgl 2.97 kB · 1 download


Many thanks that's fixed the orphaned parking error message!


The only issue that remains is GSX 2 decides to spawn the baggage cart and the bus on the exact parking spot 1, where the aircraft is located?


Also Coutle keeps crashing and re starting. I guess its a Coutle issue after all?  Doesn't surprise me, its a bit buggy sometimes, although the dev wont admit it!:rollmyeyes:


Thanks again for trying.






PS Here is the crash log for GSX 2;


couatl v3.2 (build 4308)
panic log started on Tue Feb 25 20:06:28 2020

problem raised by addon <unknown>
Taking vehicle.cruiseSpeed: 13.4112Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\common\fsm.py", line 73, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\baseAssistanceVehicle.py", line 418, in do
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\passengerBus.py", line 190, in getLeaveRoute
IndexError: list index out of range
{'Airport': 'NZMF', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Parking 1', 'Requested parking services to': 'Parking 1', 'User Pos': (-44.67252348934143, 167.9235570095319, 5.84378 m, 2.84378 m, 178.47935644446767)}



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1 hour ago, herky1955 said:

GSX 2 decides to spawn the baggage cart and the bus on the exact parking spot 1

You are welcome David,

I am pleased that it has solved one problem for you, but regards GSX2, I have no ideas, I do not use it, or know what Coutle is.

Are there any available settings that you can adjust with proximity to an aircraft or parking spot ?

"problem raised by addon <unknown>" and "IndexError: list index out of range" = which addon and which list ?

I could try to reposition that parking spot, but if GSX2 will always go to the spot instead of beside it, that is not going to help.

Have you contacted the developers of GSX2 about this problem ?

I hope you get it sorted, there must be an answer somewhere :)

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46 minutes ago, Smudger said:

You are welcome David,

I am pleased that it has solved one problem for you, but regards GSX2, I have no ideas, I do not use it, or know what Coutle is.

Are there any available settings that you can adjust with proximity to an aircraft or parking spot ?

"problem raised by addon <unknown>" and "IndexError: list index out of range" = which addon and which list ?

I could try to reposition that parking spot, but if GSX2 will always go to the spot instead of beside it, that is not going to help.

Have you contacted the developers of GSX2 about this problem ?

I hope you get it sorted, there must be an answer somewhere :)


Hi. It's a strange one for sure. Loading begins with the baggage cart and the bus starting exactly where the aircraft is parked. I tried moving the GSX parking location, a few feet. Also rotating the aircraft parking 180 degrees. You can not edit the starting positions for the bus or baggage cart, since they usually spawn some distance from the parking spot. Posts on the GSX forum are usually met by "read the manual" or "this has been answered elsewhere" or just silence. I don't know why I persevere doing videos for this guy and promoting his product?


If I let the unloading/loading run to its conclusion, GSX crashes with the error message. The sim doesn't crash, just GSX.


Parking spots 2 and 3 are still orphaned so couldn't try them.


Frustratingly, Murray Island, a free island airport from Orbx, has a perfect parking position that's served by GSX spot on. Yet Milford Sound, a gorgeous "payware" Orbx product has all three parking spots, all orphaned. Some Orbx Dev must know the solution to this. I think a fix would be welcome. But if there's only me using GSX at NZMF?☹️


Very many thanks for your help.




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14 hours ago, herky1955 said:

Parking spots 2 and 3 are still orphaned so couldn't try them

Hello David,

regarding the 2 refuelling parking spots, why 2 I do not know, I did consider changing at least one of them, but to make it usable would mean removing the static aircraft.

They are marked as parking 3, closest to parking 1, and parking 2, furthest from 1, and are set under fuel triggers.


As shown FSX with less static aircraft, there is very little room to play with.


I hope you get a good respnce from the dev. :unsure:

FSX less statics.jpg

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4 hours ago, Smudger said:

Hello David,

regarding the 2 refuelling parking spots, why 2 I do not know, I did consider changing at least one of them, but to make it usable would mean removing the static aircraft.

They are marked as parking 3, closest to parking 1, and parking 2, furthest from 1, and are set under fuel triggers.


As shown FSX with less static aircraft, there is very little room to play with.


I hope you get a good respnce from the dev. :unsure:

FSX less statics.jpg


Thanks Smudger.


I run it with option 1 in the FTX NZMF editor, this eliminates all the static vehicles.


I surmise that you could create another parking spot, say, top right corner, near the inlet? Agree that two refuel spots are curious. I always avoid those due to the old type auto refuel?


When I select parking spot 2 or 3 from the GSX menu, GSX puts up an error message as orphaned parking and no GSX available. Funny thing is, with GSX, it auto moves your aircraft to the spot, regardless of it being orphaned, you just can't edit it with GSX vehicles.

The double parking (triple if you include the aircraft itself) doesn't appear to cause the GSX crash. The crash comes after a couple of minutes when the bus leaves. (There isn't any object collision detection in GSX, that's why you see the vehicles driving through each other and the aircraft itself, in some cases. I tend to laugh, but some folks get incensed! 


If were the developer, I would include a "walking to the terminal" option. That would be great at small airfields like Milford Sound. They could then all saunter to the cafe! No bus required at so many small strips. 

So far no reply on the GSX forum.


There is a GSX file with coords for the baggage truck, but none for the bus. You can disable the bus and the baggage loaders, but then you don't see any passengers! What I would call a pointless edit, since I bought GSX 2 for the passenger loading. Aw well.




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16 hours ago, Smudger said:


try this bgl, I have removed one of the fuel triggers and created a Parking 4 as you requested above.


NZMF_ADEP4_RS.bgl 2.95 kB · 1 download


This file is a complete success!  Well done sir and thank you.


I suggest the Orbx devs put this parking spot file in a patch for NZMF.


GSX works 100% with this parking spot #4. No crashes. I see the vehicles spawn and de-spawn well away from the parking spot. This must have solved the GSX crash?


Thanks again.


I have attached a couple of photos.  Now Ill do my little You Tube video of my travels!:)



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7 hours ago, Smudger said:


You are welcome David, so pleased it works for you, the screenshots look great :)


Thanks again! Your solution was spot on!


I am uploading a you tube movie which is part two of a three part flight. Part one was Germany (EDDN) to Brisbane (YBBN), in a maxed out 787-9. Part two YBBN to Wellington New Zealand, (NZWN). Part three will be NZWN to Milford Sound, in the Aerosoft Twotter...You Tube as "David herky".


Some folks may think GSX 2 is a bit daft. But I think it adds more atmosphere into the sim. A bit like those horses at Lilydale, or the butterflies, dolphins, whales and ringing telephone at Milford. At any rate, it's fun getting it to work properly. The parking spot was beyond my ability. You have to apply a further GSX edit to get the passengers up the short steps of the Twotter. I know it's not perfect, but it makes me chuckle every time I see it! 





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