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Buildings in Northern California HD are not correct for the region

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I am writing to report a minor issue with the Northern California scenery package. Overall it is quite good, but the style of the buildings is incorrect for the region, especially the San Francisco area. The buildings depicted are mostly ranch houses, but should be two to three story buildings on narrow lots. Most of the buildings on the east side of the side are 2-3 story Edwardian and Victorian houses with steep roofs, with a few larger apartment buildings in newer neighborhoods. On the west side of the city, the single family homes are predominantly two story buildings with flat roofs. If you do an update to the package, I would be happy to provide feedback and advice on issues like this (25 year resident here). 




Brian McConnell

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Noted, however it must be understood that as attempts are made to be accurate in placing objects/autogen like buildings, domestic dwellings will be only a representation. You happen to know the exact type of buildings because you are a resident of 25 years in SF. I assume you don't know the type of residence building style in my neck of the woods in Hereford, UK:) Well they are not like they are in TEGB South but they certainly don't diminish the immersion of flying over familiar territory.

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