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SODE Update

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You are right there Nick. The drive F: was trashed and Steam installed. There is no FSX for SODE to find. Do you think I should uninstall SODE and re-install and if so would that cause other addons that utilise SODE to have issues? I do not know enough about how SODE works. I checked ORBX Alderney in P3Dv4 and SODE shows in Addons ok. I think I might just let SODE complain about FSX if it is only used in P3Dv4 and appears to work ok. 

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Yes, I tried that and it is already set as Unregistered (see above). When I try and Register (to then Unregister again) I get the same error as above (probably because FSX has gone). If I had known I could probably unregistered before uninstalling FSX but it is too late now. I will try the SODE Forum if there is one and see what they say.


Thanks for the ideas Nick. I appreciate your efforts!



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Just in case anybody else has this issue this is what SODE advised and it has worked for me.


"It is perfectly possible that the FSX uninstall still has left some entries in the Windows registry active. Those entries are used by SODE to determine if a sim is installed on the machine.
You could check the PLTMGR_DETECTION.log file located at C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\log. It will tell you the registry keys in question for FSX. Usually it's SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0 -> "SetupPath"
If you delete this key, SODE won't assume FSX to be installed anymore."
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