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Swimming / Shimmering Textures HDR (jagged)


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When using HDR I get textures that swim or shimmer (jagged). I can run one notch below HDR and all is fine. 1080 8 gig ram Nvidia card. Without HDR I get no panel lights or terminal building lights. ANy suggestions? I have tried inspector to no avail. Thanks

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Both Florida and California. I have AA second from the top. Using AA does now really make that much difference. When I can to one less than HDR in daytime it is not as bad. I can run HDR at night and it looks good. I forcing AA with Nvidia control panel but no difference. I did read an article about not overclocking the CPU and tried that as well but still wavy lines. I will try to put a video here.

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Not a lot I can do really as the Orbx addon is working fine. It's just the graphics that are poor. You are not really requiring the Texture Quality to be at absolute maximum no compression by the way. One notch down is just fine.

Also have you tried adjusting your screen resolution to a higher setting?

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