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True Earth & US Orthophotos


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I plan to purchase and install True Earth Florida tomorrow.  I have been using Forkboy Florida US Orthophotos.  Should I delete the Florida Orthophotos when I do the True Earth installation?  I also have purchased airports for Orlando, Miami and Tampa.  Should I go ahead and remove them as well? Thanks in advance for any advice you may have about this.

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54 minutes ago, swarren529 said:

I plan to purchase and install True Earth Florida tomorrow.  I have been using Forkboy Florida US Orthophotos.  Should I delete the Florida Orthophotos when I do the True Earth installation?  I also have purchased airports for Orlando, Miami and Tampa.  Should I go ahead and remove them as well? Thanks in advance for any advice you may have about this.

Since TE-Florida covers the entire state...yes you should.  I have also deleted my entire Ortho4XP's of the state of Florida. They will never get loaded in, unless you DISABLE TE-Florida...but why would you do that?  Right...so yes...delete, as well as any custom Key West, if you have one.  That will also never be seen again, if you also bought ORBX Key West.  You can free up some room, and also, speed up XP start up.


Another tip...if you have loaded TE-Florida onto a conventional HD,  I might suggest that you also use (if you have one...) a defrag program so your hard drive seek head can load those thousands of files, consecutively. This will speed up seek/access of those files, as well as reduce head and motor seek arm wear on your HD.  

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6 hours ago, swarren529 said:

I also have purchased airports for Orlando, Miami and Tampa.  Should I go ahead and remove them as well?


No, you don't need to remove these airports. Just make sure they are placed higher up in priority so they show up. The only caveat is that if you have DD's Miami cityscape, you can't use both at the same time, and I'd recommend disabling it.


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