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Midair collision at FL100 with invisible object/terrain Orbx NZNI


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I found a location in the New Zealand North Island ORBX scenery where planes crash into invisible object/terrain.  There is no other reason to crash there and I have tested different planes and numerous times.  All crashes take place in the same location.  Altitude is about 10,000 ft ASL.  I attach screenshots of the Little Navmap screen where the crash points are indicated by red arrows.  I flew several times around the spot near Auckland to isolate roughly the problem area (I.e., flew towards the area until the crash occurred).  Avoiding the area by going out over the ocean, allowed me to complete the flight.


Since then, I have experienced a similar crash in another NZ NI area, near Wellington (2nd screen shot).





This is the first time I am having such an issue (after 100s of flights).  Can you please help?


System info:

Windows 10 1809

PC: Intel Core i7-8700K, 32GB RAM, NVidia GeForce GTX1070

Prepar3D: Version

ORBX: BASE pack, Buildings HD, VECTOR, openLC Europe, NA, SA, Australia V2, NZ NI, NZ SI, NZQN



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Thanks very much for the prompt reply!  That's one more reason for me to love the ORBX... :)


Indeed I missed the notice about the crash detection.  I think it would be better to put it into the product manual.  I checked and did not find it in there, but only on the product page, as you said.

Puzzling that such a thing can't be fixed for so long.  The location of the issue is consistent and known.  Wonder why the fault can't be found -- we should know where everything is in the world we created ourselves.  But who knows -- if the ORBX team can't find it, who am I to questions it!


I turned off the crash detection as you suggested...



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